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Installation instructions

In this section you will find instructions for installing our products. We encourage you to read them before installing Pruszyński Blachy products. They were prepared by our specialists in cooperation with a wide range of practitioners, which include, among others, ambassadors of our brand, professionals from all over the country and roofers members of the Polish Association of Roofers. In the event of any ambiguity, we encourage you to directly contact us in the tab: Contact.

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Product and technical catalogues

We offer a very wide range of roof, wall, structural coverings made of sheet metal, as well as all related accessories. Below you will find a list of all documents presenting products available in our offer, as well as their technical specifications.

Price lists

List of price lists containing the recommended retail prices of our products (SCD/MSRP). If you are interested in learning the details of cooperation with our company as a distributor, we encourage you to contact our representative in the nearest branch or with the headquarters:Headquarters and troops

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Certficates and attestations

All our products are approved for use in construction based on preliminary type tests in accredited and notified laboratory units. W zależności od oceny systemu zgodności, wyroby są znakowane znakiem CE lub znakiem budowlanym B. Niezależnie od certyfikacji, aby zachować najwyższą jakość naszej oferty, materiały wsadowe jak i wyrób końcowy są na bieżąco badane w ramach Zakładowej Kontroli Produkcji. Below you will find available approvals, certificates and documents.

Prints and forms

Below are prints and forms related to order service processes, purchase and warranty at Blachy Pruszyński. In addition, we remind you that the guarantee is related not only to the product itself, but also with the selected coating, so we encourage you to read the available list [anchor] protective coatings [anchor].

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