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rozwiązania techniczne

Technical solutions

Currently, it is difficult to imagine construction, especially indoor, public utilities, industrial and special without the housing, which are covered walls or roof coverings. They are made of lightweight housing, such as layered plates, systems based on the longitudinal steel cassettes, layered roof coverings with a load -bearing element in the form of trapezoidal sheets.


Fire resistance

It is a time for which building element retains its properties during a fire or time to achieve one of the border states.

An undoubted advantage of coated steel gutters is their high resistance to mechanical damage.


Fire load

The capacity of the structure element to withstand the impact of fire with specific mechanical interactions on one or more surface, for a certain time, without losing the stability of the structure, expressed in minutes.


  • in the case of bent elements (e.g. ceiling, roof) – deflection speed and actual deflection
  • in the case of axially loaded elements (e.g. poles, walls) – deformation speed (shortening speed)


Fire tightness

The ability of the structure element, which has a separate function, to withstand the impact of fire only on one side, without transferring fire to a page not heated as a result of the passage of flames or hot gases.


  • crack or opening
  • the flame of the flame on an unheated page
  • Cotton cotton wool tampon


Izolacyjność ogniowa

The ability of the structure element to withstand the impact of the fire only on one side, without moving the fire as a result of a significant heat flow from the heated side to an uninvited side, expressed in minutes.


  • ΔTdown: 140ºC
  • Δtmax: 180ºC


Radiation permeability

The capacity of the structure element to withstand the impact of fire only on the one hand, so as to limit the likelihood of transferring fire as a result of significant heat radiation either through the element, or from its unhealed surface to neighboring materials, expressed in minutes, permissible radiation value


  • 15 kW/m²
Izolacyjność akustyczna

Sound insulation

When defining the sound characteristics of building partitions, the size called the weighted ratio of RW sound insulation expressed in DB and spectral adaptive indicators C and CTR is used.

By producing sheets for a specific length of waste, they are limited to a minimum. The arrangement of tin covering is one of the cheapest and fastest.


The spectral adaptation indicator of the internal living noise that occurs in buildings [db]


RA1 = Rw + C

RA2 = Rw + Ctr


The spectral adaptation indicator of external noise [DB]