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"sponsoring sportowy"

Sports sponsorship
Pierwsza runda Rajdowych Mistrzostw Polski za nami

Nasi rajdowcy z TVN Turbo Rally Team pewnie dojechali do mety w pierwszej rozgrywce tegorocznej edycji […]

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Sports sponsorship
The beginning of the season for Aces from TVN Turbo Rally Team

This year’s rally season from our perspective promises to be extremely exciting. First of all, our […]

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Sports sponsorship
New pilot on TVN Turbo Rally Team

Already on April 20-24, the Świdnicki Krause Rally will take place, the first competition in this […]

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Sports sponsorship
Pruszyński has been supporting Polish volleyball for 16 years

On Tuesday, a special moment took place for us from the perspective of our company’s many […]

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Sports sponsorship
Pruszyński sheets supports the speedway!

Pruszyński sheets are actively involved in the development of sport disciplines, including motor sports, which are […]

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Sports sponsorship
TVN Turbo Rally Team - at the Barbórki Rally

The Barbórka rally is the last race in the rally calendar and one of the most […]

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Sports sponsorship
The end of November under the sign of rally emotions in Modlin

Already on the article on November 27-28 on the track in Modlin there will be a […]

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Sports sponsorship
Świdnicki Rally - RSMP 2021 - Byśkiniewicz and Cieślar won again!

With bated breath, we watched and followed the progress of our rally players, and it must […]

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Sports sponsorship
Another success by byśkiniewicz and Cieślar - first place in Rzeszów

Łukasz Byśkiniewicz and Zbyszek Cieślar from the Pruszyński Team TVN Turbo Rallyteam, sponsored by sheet, once […]

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