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Plyta warstwowa dachowa rdzen wełna

PWD2-MW-100 - Roof sandwich panel - mineral wool - visible joint

Sandwich panel - mineral wool core, density 115 kg/m3 thickness 100 mm

Product description

Roof sandwich panels are used especially in hall, industrial and public buildings (shopping centers, warehouse centers, sports halls, etc.). Roof sandwich panels are basically used only as roof coverings, where they fulfill their function perfectly.

The rich color palette and various shapes of the panels’ profiles enable the creation of a number of interesting objects. Roof sandwich panels with a wool core offer exceptional fire resistance parameters and very high acoustic insulation parameters


Wyrób budowalny PWD-MW montowany z najlepszych materiałów na najnowocześniejszej w Europie linii produkcyjnej przeznaczonej dla tego typu produktów

WOOLTECH Roof (dach), rdzen z welny mineralnej


Wysokiej jakości wełna mineralna

Najwyższej jakości wełna mineralna od topowych producentów w Polsce i na świecie – RockWool. Wysokie parametry odporności ogniowej. Nowy typ frezu na łączeniu ułatwia montaż. Połączenie z okładzinami z blachy za pomocą indywidualnie skomponowanego kleju na zamówienie Blachy Pruszyński

Gęstość rdzenia: 115kg/m3 +/-10%

Okładzina zewnętrzna

Blacha profilowana trapezowa

Stalowa blacha zabezpieczona warstwą cynku pokryta jedną z powłok organicznych lub powłoką aluminiowo – cynkową. Dostępne są także okładziny wykonane ze stali nierdzewnej.
Podstawowa grubość okładziny zew. to 0.50 mm. Dostępne są także grubości w zakresie od 0.45 mm – 0.70 mm. Profilowanie trapezowe pozwala na przenoszenie wysokich obciążeń oraz stosowanie w układach jednoprzęsłowych i wieloprzęsłowych.

Okładzina wewnętrzna

Okładzina stalowa (wewnętrzna)

Wysokiej jakości stal ocynkowana o grubości 0.40 mm – 0.50 mm. Profilowanie podstawowe – Dostępne profilowanie trapezowe (T), możliwość pokrycia dodatkową warstwą lakieru o wybranym kolorze, zgodnym z dostępną paletą.

Styki podłużne (zamki)


Unikatowy zamek (typu pióro-wpust) zapewniający prosty i szybki montaż, dostępne dodatkowe akcesoria ułatwiające proces – kalotki oraz łączniki przelotowe. Wysoka szczelność zamku zapewnia bardzo dobre parametry cieplne i ognioodporności. Pełna kompatybilność z zamkami płyt warstwowych PIRTECH produkcji Blachy Pruszyński.

Choose a coating:
Protective coatings
Polyester glossy

Technical specification of the coating

thickness of coating
25 µm
corrosion resistance
High ★★★☆
UV resistance
Good ★★☆☆
possibility of bending
Good ★★☆☆

Available colours

RR 032
RAL 1002
RAL 1015
RAL 1021
RAL 3005
RAL 3011
RAL 3016
RAL 5010
RAL 6005
RAL 6029
RAL 7000
RAL 7016
RAL 7024
RAL 7035
RAL 8004
RAL 8017
RAL 8023
RAL 9002
RAL 9005
RAL 9006
RAL 9007
RAL 9010
Golden Oak
Polyester mat PM 35um

Technical specification of the coating

thickness of coating
35 µm
corrosion resistance
Wysoka ★★★☆
UV resistance
Dobra ★★☆☆
possibility of bending
Dobra ★★☆☆

Available colours

PMG RR 750
PMG RR 011
PMG RR 028
PMG RR 032
PMG RR 033
PMG RAL 7016
PMG RAL 8017
PM Dark Walnut

Technical specification of the coating

thickness of coating
50 µm
corrosion resistance
Wysoka ★★★★
UV resistance
Wysoka ★★★☆
possibility of bending
Wysoka ★★★☆

Available colours

PU RR 028
PU RAL 7016
PU RAL 7016
PU RAL 8004
PU RAL 8017
PU RAL 9005

Technical specification of the coating

thickness of coating
50 µm
corrosion resistance
Wysoka ★★★★
UV resistance
Wysoka ★★★★
possibility of bending
Wysoka ★★★☆

Available colours

PUM RR 750
PUM RR 750
PUM RR 011
PUM RR 028
PUM RR 033
PUM RR 033
PUM RAL 7016
PUM RAL 7016
PUM RAL 8017
PUM RAL 8017
AZ - aluzinc

Technical specification of the coating

Available colours

powłoka AZ - aluzynk
AZ – aluzynk

Technical specification

General information

The roof sandwich panel with a mineral wool core (WOOLTECH Dach), manufactured by Blacha Pruszyński, is manufactured on a modern production line, maintaining the highest quality standards. It is a roof panel with a wool core of the second generation, ensuring very high thermal insulation parameters with excellent fire properties at the same time. The mineral wool core is placed between two galvanized, coated sheet metal claddings. Our offer includes various types of coatings and colors to choose from, as well as core thicknesses from 100 to 240 mm. The roof profile of the external cladding (trapezoidal, 40 mm high) ensures very good water drainage parameters.

Depending on the method of installation of the panels, the recommended minimum roof slopes are:
* for roofs made of continuous panels (without cross-connection along the length)
** for roofs made of panels connected crosswise along the length
*** flat internal profiling (P), available only for sheet thicknesses above 0.6 mm

mineral wool
core thickness
100 mm
core density kg/m3
115 (+/- 10%)
effective width
1050 mm
total width
1147 mm
min. roof tilt *
5% (3º)
min. roof tilt **
7% (4º)
weight 1m2
21,6 kg
min. sandwich length
2,0 LM
max sandwich length
see - Sandwiches Lenght section
plate thickness
0,5 - 0,7 mm
external profiling
trapez - T40mm
inner profiling
trapez - T
flat - P ***
poliester połysk/mat, poliuretan, HPS200, aluzynk
rys. techniczny PWD2-MW-100

Physical properties

Lambda λD coefficient – [W/mK]
Coefficient of heat transfer Uc/Ud,s<./sub>
thermal insulation Uds[W/m2K]
fire resistance
Reaction to fire (all usage)
A2-s1, d0
acoustic resistance (dB)
RW = 30 dB
RA1 = 27 dB
RA2 = 26 dB
sound absorption (αw)
external fire resistance (as a roof)

Panels length

The table below contains a classification divided into color groups for individual colors available in the Pruszyński Sp. z o. o. Permissible board lengths depending on the color of the cladding (minimum length - 2.5 m) for single-span systems.

Group I (very bright colors)

Maximum length

16 m wall / 16 m roof

RAL 9001, próbka
RAL 9001*
RAL 1015
RAL 7035
RAL 9002
RAL 9010

Group II (bright colors)

Maximum length

12 m wall / 16 m roof

RAL 9022 probka koloru
RAL 9022*
RAL 7040 probka koloru
RAL 7040*
RAL 7037 probka koloru
RAL 7037*
RAL 6033 probka koloru
RAL 6033*
RAL 6021 probka koloru
RAL 6021*
RAL 6018 probka koloru
RAL 6018*
RAL 5024 probka koloru
RAL 5024*
RAL 5018 probka koloru
RAL 5018*
RAL 5012 probka koloru
RAL 5012*
RAL 2009 probka koloru
RAL 2009*
RAL 2008 probka koloru
RAL 2008*
RAL 2004 probka koloru
RAL 2004*
RAL 2003 probka koloru
RAL 2003*
RAL 2000 probka koloru
RAL 2000*
RAL 1035 probka koloru
RAL 1035*
RAL 1023 probka koloru
RAL 1023*
RAL 1019 probka koloru
RAL 1019*
RAL 1017 próbka koloru
RAL 1017*
RAL 1014 probka koloru
RAL 1014*
RAL 1004 kolor przykładowy
RAL 1004*
RAL 1003
RAL 1003*
RAL 1002
RAL 1021
RAL 7000
RAL 9006

Group III (dark colors)

Maximum length

9 m wall / 13,5 m roof

RAL 7022 probka koloru
RAL 7022*
RAL 7015
RAL 7015*
RAL 6020 probka koloru
RAL 6020*
RAL 6011 probka koloru
RAL 6011*
RAL 6003 probka koloru
RAL 6003*
RAL 6000
RAL 6000*
RAL 5022 probka koloru
RAL 5022*
RAL 5011 probka koloru
RAL 50011*
RAL 5009 probka koloru
RAL 5009*
RAL 5005 probka koloru
RAL 5005*
RAL 5002 probka koloru
RAL 5002*
RAL 3013 probka koloru
RAL 3013*
RAL 3003 probka koloru
RAL 3003*
RAL 3002 probka koloru
RAL 3002*
RAL 3000 probka koloru
RAL 3000*
RAL 8016
RAL 8016
PUM RR 028
PMG RR 033
PMG RR 028
PMG RR 750
PMG RR 011
PM Dark Walnut
Golden Oak
RAL 3011
RAL 3005
RAL 8023
RAL 6005
RAL 6029
RAL 5010
RAL 9005
RAL 8017
RAL 7016
RAL 7024
RAL 9007
ATTENTION! Taking into account that boards in dark colors from group III are subject to much greater thermal loads than boards in very light and light colors from groups I and II, it is necessary to assess during the design process, depending on the loads, what arrangement of boards on the wall is possible to use.
* Colors marked with an asterisk are not available in the standard offer. Please send individual color inquiries directly via the contact form.
Read more below.

Recommendations for the selection of panels in the context of thermal loads

NOTE – group III – dark colors

Taking into account that dark colors from Group III are subject to much greater thermal loads than very light and light colors from groups I and II, special attention should be paid when designing to ensure that the following conditions are met:

the mounting method and static system must comply with the tables of permissible loads and spans (criteria met – ultimate limit state, serviceability limit state)*
limit the maximum length of boards according to the manufacturer’s recommendations**
take into account the installation temperature***

* Single-span systems are recommended for dark-colored panels; otherwise, deformations of the outer slab cladding may occur on the intermediate supports and are unacceptable to the Investor. The corrugations in question meet the requirements of the PN EN 14509 standard in terms of permissible deviations, however, they may cause complaints.

** Maximum board lengths should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines depending on the type of board and their application (roof/wall) – see BOARD LENGTHS. At the customer’s request and after signing the declaration, it is possible to deliver roof panels in Group III colors, 16 m long.

*** Installation of dark colored boards is possible at temperatures from 10oC to 35oC. This condition must be strictly observed. Installation at temperatures lower than 10oC (or higher than 35oC) may lead to deformation and permanent damage of the board during the use of the building (in extreme cases also during installation). In this case, deformations and damage to the board are caused by the high elongation of the linings (e.g. at summer temperatures) in relation to the initial length (length of the lining during installation).

Installation of boards in light and very light colors is possible in the temperature range from +5oC to +35oC.

Failure to comply with the above guidelines may result in surface deformations on the boards and local loss of stability, for which the manufacturer is not responsible. In the case of colors not included in the table, please contact Pruszyński’s technical advisor. The color of the board may be changed only with the designer’s consent.

Transport recommendations

Recommended means of transport for sandwich panels:

  • A truck (tractor + semi-trailer with a length not shorter than the length of the loaded panels) with an open semi-trailer or one enabling side loading on both sides along its entire length
  • The weight of the load cannot exceed the permissible load capacity of the set,
  • Transport belts should be placed on the load at a distance of max. every 3 m, but not less than 2 belts per package – the tension of the belts must not cause deformation of the boards.

Storing recommendations

Sandwich panels should be stored in packages (posts), a maximum of two packages can be stored on top of each other.
The table below shows the max. number of boards that can be arranged in one package.

panel thicknessPWD2-MW
100 mm10 items
120 mm8 items
140 mm6 items
150 mm6 items
160 mm6 items
180 mm6 items
200 mm4 items
220 mm4 items
230 mm4 items
240 mm4 items
250 mm4 items


  • It is recommended to store the boards on a flat surface (square, hall) on joists or polystyrene sleepers, which must be spaced a maximum of 2.5 m apart (for boards with a total length of up to 2.5 m, at least 3 sleepers should be used).
  • It is allowed to store a maximum of two board packages up to 6 meters in size, one on top of the other; in the case of board packages above 1 meter, they should be stored individually. All board packages must be stored on a level surface with the ability to drain water.
  • When storing boards at the construction site, they should be protected against mechanical damage, exposure to UV rays, aggressive environments (acids, fertilizers, salts and other corrosive factors), precipitation, strong wind and others.
  • It is recommended to store packages under a roof in ventilated rooms
    The boards should be stored on an even surface (square, hall) on joists, polystyrene or wooden sleepers, which must be spaced a maximum of every 2.5 m (for boards with a total length of up to 2.5 m, at least 3 sleepers should be used ).
  • Protective foils are used to additionally protect the board surface against mechanical damage, stresses and impacts that may occur during transport or reloading. Foils never relieve you of the obligation to properly protect the boards during storage.
  • It is recommended to remove the protective foil before mounting the elements on the facade or roof of the building. Removing the foil should be done at positive air temperatures, because at negative temperatures the adhesive delaminates and some of its components may remain on the sheet.
  • Improper storage of sheets may make it difficult to remove the protective foil and leave traces of glue on the surface of the sheets. In such cases, complaints about adhesive residues left by the protective foil will not be accepted by the Manufacturer.
  • In the case of boards with hidden fastening, make sure that the foil is removed from the inside of the longer lock before installation.


    In the case of wall panels with visible fastening, the upper side of the panels in the package is the façade side, which should be paid special attention!

Conservation and cleaning

In order to extend the durability of roofs and facades made of coated sheet metal, they should be regularly inspected and maintained.

  • Inspection – Once a year (preferably in spring), the roof/facade should be inspected to detect any damage early.
  • Cleaning sheet metal – Roofs/facades made of coated sheet metal require cleaning at least once a year. Dirt settling on the sheet metal may cause uneven discoloration of the color (the result of uneven exposure to UV rays), as well as reduce corrosion resistance (dirt retains moisture on the sheet metal, gradually damaging it). Dirty and stained places can be cleaned with a soft brush and water (max. temperature 60°C). If necessary, a mild detergent can be added to the water (pH 6÷7, max. 10% solution). Pressurized water (max. 100 bar) can also be used for cleaning, however, the water jet cannot be used too close to the surface of the board (min. 30 cm) and cannot be directed perpendicular to the surface. At the connectors, the water stream should be directed downwards to avoid pressurized water from entering the gaps around the connectors. Old board coatings should be handled with extreme caution. Washing should be carried out from top to bottom and the cleaned area should always be thoroughly rinsed immediately with clean water.
  • Do not use scouring powders, nitro solvents, chlorine solutions, aromatic agents, as well as agents containing salmiak (ammonium chloride) or sodium salts.
  • Damage – Possible damage during the warranty period must be consulted with the roof/facade Contractor and may only be performed with his written consent. Damage to small surfaces can be repaired using air-drying repair varnishes, while painting large surfaces is generally only possible using special industrial paints adapted to the renovation of coverings. The surface to be painted should be limited only to places requiring it (scratches to the metal layer, corrosion spots, etc.). Preparation of the surface for painting should be carried out according to generally accepted rules. Always carefully remove all traces of corrosion – preferably using special brushes or fine-grained sandpaper. Then the repaired surface must be thoroughly dusted, degreased and cleaned. To degrease the surface, you can use extraction gasoline or water with surfactants (preferably with the addition of 1-2% ammonia solution). The repaired zones may show differences in color compared to the original colors of the sheet metal due to the natural impact of atmospheric phenomena (aging of the varnish under the influence of UV radiation).
  • ATTENTION – During inspection, cleaning, maintenance and repairs, health and safety rules must be strictly observed.

The company Pruszyński Sp. z o. o. is not responsible for any accidents resulting from the above activities.


Masz pytania?

Is it possible to make copper machining at the steel roof?
When using copper, be careful because copper oxides are very aggressive and cause corrosion of other metals. Therefore, on buildings, it cannot be combined with other metal species (copper enters into contact and causes electrolytic corrosion of other metals).
Can you use an angle grinder when cutting sheets?
Modern roofing exclude the use of angle grinders for cutting. The use of this method of cutting the material is associated with the loss of warranty.The angle grinder during operation and cutting produces very large amounts of heat, which in turn damages the edges of the sheet, as well as the coating covering it. In addition, the filings extracting during operation blend into the surface of the blades, additionally creating potential corrosion outbreaks.The right way of cutting sheet metal is to use automatic jumps (so -called Nilerler) or hand scissors. They use the mechanical force to cut the sheet, without exposing it to high temperature jumps. In addition, it is worth remembering that after cutting it is good to train cut places with dedicated protective varnish or special paint.
How to register and how does the warranty work?
In order to register the warranty, download the warranty registration available in files for download / printing or directly: Warranty registration and send it completed to the following address: guarantee@pruszynski.euThe warranty begins to apply on the day of purchase of the goods. Registration of warranty is necessary to quickly identify the purchased batch of goods.
How can you complain the product, where is the information?
Complaints should be submitted in a warehouse in which the purchase was made. In the event that the wholesaler has been closed (does not run a business), the filled print of the complaint application should be sent directly to Pruszyński Sp. z o.o. to:

Printing of the complaint application is available in files for download / prints or directly here: Complaints