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BUDMA Fair 2023 - Report from the event

The beginning of February was marked by the largest event of the construction industry - Budma2023. We invite you to our report from this event, and there is something to read about.

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Honors and awards
Another prizes for our company is something to boast about!

W połowie listopada 2022 roku, miała miejsce finałowa gala już dwunastej edycji konkursu Kreator Budownictwa Roku […]

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Honors and awards
We are a well -seen company, according to the Business Center Club competition for 2022

Our company has been invariably approaching certain fundamental issues for years when it comes to doing […]

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Honors and awards
Builder Super Power 2022 - Our managers among the winners

Builder Super Power is a special distinction awarded by the Builder monthly. It falls primarily to […]

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Honors and awards
Four prestigious awards in the ASM Budowlana Marek 2022 ranking ranking

Na początku czerwca, jak co roku ASM Research wyłoniło lauretów prestiżowego rankingu Budowlanej Marki Roku i Budowlanego Championa Roku 2022

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Honors and awards
Consumer quality leader 2022 for roof tiles and Niagara system

The lasting year turns out to be very favorable to us, despite the difficult political and […]

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Honors and awards
Topbuilder 2022 for coffits Pruszyński Blachy!

Top Builder is one of the most prestigious distinctions of the construction industry in Poland and […]

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Business, Honors and awards
Another diamond in the collection - Business Leader 2022 (edition 2020)

This year, the overdue title of the Business Leader, the title, which is awarded by BCC […]

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Business, Honors and awards
Consumer leader of the decade from Dziennik Gazeta Prawna

The end of the year is extremely favorable for us, in terms of the company’s condition, […]

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