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PWS-W-EKO-160 - Płyta warstwowa ścienna - wełna mineralna - widoczne mocowanie

PWS -W -EKO -160 - wall sandwich panel - mineral wool - visible fastening

Product description

PIRTECH PLUS - PWS-PIR-PL-80 - plyta z ukrytym mocowaniem

Wall sandwich panels are used especially in indoor, industrial and public construction (shopping centers, warehouse centers, sports halls, etc.). In addition to the cover walls, the plates are used as: partition walls and as load -bearing walls in small transportable cold stores, in buildings of construction and in farm buildings. The rich color palette and the diverse shape of disc profiling enables the implementation of a number of interesting objects. The plates can be mounted both vertically and horizontally.

Elementy składowe

WOOLTECH ST Economy, plyta warstwowa rdzen welniany


Wełna mineralna EKO

Rdzeń konstrukcyjno – izolacyjnego, z najwyższej jakości wełny mineralnej o obniżonej gestości (80kg/m3). Dzięki obniżonej gęstości, charakteryzuje się niższa lambdą (lepszy współczynnik przenikania ciepła). Wraz z niższą gęstością idzie także niższa masa jednostkowa. Dodatkowo jak każda wełna mineralna jest materiałem niepalnym, świetnie też się sprawdza jako materiał izolacyjny.


Okładzina stalowa (zewnętrzna)

Blacha profilowana o grubości 0.5 – 0.7 mm, stalowa ocynkowana. Dopuszczalne profilowanie, trapez (T), mikrotrapez (M), fala (F), nano fala (N) oraz płaska (P)*. Zabezpieczenie w postaci powłok lakierniczych i hybrydowych.
tylko dla blachy o grubości ≥ 0.6 mm


Okładzina stalowa (wewnętrzna)

Wysokiej jakości stal ocynkowana o grubości 0.40 mm – 0.50 mm. Profilowanie podstawowe – Dostępne profilowanie trapezowe (T), możliwość pokrycia dodatkową warstwą lakieru o wybranym kolorze, zgodnym z dostępną paletą.


Styk łączący

Nowy profil styku łączącego (zamka), typu pióro-wpust. Wysoka precyzja dopasowania, łatwość montażu. Doskonałe parametry izolacyjne i ograniczenie mostków termicznych.

Choose a coating:
Protective coatings
Polyester glossy

Technical specification of the coating

thickness of coating
25 µm
corrosion resistance
High ★★★☆
UV resistance
Good ★★☆☆
possibility of bending
Good ★★☆☆

Available colours

RAL 9010
Golden Oak
RAL 9002
RR 032
RAL 3011
RR 028
RAL 3005
RAL 1002
RAL 8023
RAL 1015
RAL 3016
RAL 1021
RAL 6005
RAL 8004
RAL 5010
RAL 7000
RAL 6029
RAL 8017
RAL 9005
RAL 7016
RAL 7024
RAL 7035
RAL 9007
RAL 9006
Polyester mat PM 35um

Technical specification of the coating

thickness of coating
35 µm
corrosion resistance
Wysoka ★★★☆
UV resistance
Dobra ★★☆☆
possibility of bending
Dobra ★★☆☆

Available colours

PM Dark Walnut
PMG RAL 7016
PMG RR 033
PMG RAL 8017
PMG RR 032
PMG RR 028
PMG RR 750
PMG RR 011

Technical specification of the coating

thickness of coating
50 µm
corrosion resistance
Wysoka ★★★★
UV resistance
Wysoka ★★★☆
possibility of bending
Wysoka ★★★☆

Available colours

PU RAL 7016
PU RAL 7016
PU RAL 9005
PU RAL 8017
PU RR 028
PU RAL 8004

Technical specification of the coating

thickness of coating
50 µm
corrosion resistance
Wysoka ★★★★
UV resistance
Wysoka ★★★★
possibility of bending
Wysoka ★★★☆

Available colours

PUM RAL 7016
PUM RAL 7016
PUM RR 033
PUM RR 033
PUM RAL 8017
PUM RAL 8017
PUM RR 028
PUM RR 011
PUM RR 750
PUM RR 750
AZ - aluzinc

Technical specification of the coating

Available colours

powłoka AZ - aluzynk
AZ – aluzynk

Firma PRUSZYŃSKI gwarantuje każdorazowo realizację poszczególnego zamówienia w jednakowym kolorze (odcieniu). Z uwagi na skomplikowanie procesów powlekania możliwe jest jednak występowanie różnic w odcieniach pomiędzy poszczególnymi dostawami.

Odpowiedzialność za kolor w związku z tym ograniczona jest jedynie do jednej dostawy.

W związku z powyższym w przypadku domawiania blach do konkretnej partii bardzo prosimy o zaznaczenie na zamówieniu lub poinformowanie Handlowca, iż jest to kontynuacja zlecenia oraz dostarczenia próbki kolorystycznej.

Celem zapewnienia spójności kolorystycznej płyty warstwowych z innymi elementami takimi jak np. obróbki blacharskie należy zamawiać je u jednego dostawcy.


Technical specification

General information

The new generation of sandwich panels with a core of mineral wool (PWS2-MW) offers a wide range of plate variants depending on the detailed requirements and applications. We gradually expand our offer, using the capabilities of our new production line.

Among them is also the EKO variant (PWS2-MW-EKO), in which wool with reduced density is used. This solution significantly reduces the unit mass of the product, which translates into much lighter elements. This is special in the case of investments, which do not require particularly high energy parameters and sound absorption, while the load capacity of the structure is slightly lower.

Next to EKO boards, our offer also includes other new generation plates with a mineral wool insert:

-wall panels with a standard lock (PWS2-MW-ST) << br /> - wall panels with hidden lock (PWS2-MW-PL)- introduction to the offer by the end of 2022
- roof slabs (PWD2-MW-D)- introduction to the offer by the end of 2022

They are all compatible with polyurethane core plates.

The basic physical parameters of PWS2-MW-EKO plates are in the table below. For detailed approvals, certifications and tests, you can find in download files

mineral wool of density 80kg/m3
thickness of panel
160 mm
effective width
1000 mm
total width
1150 mm
weight 1m2
20,65 kg
min length of panel
2,0 mb
max length of panel
see Length of panels
thickness of steel sheets
0,5 – 0,7 mm
type of exterior profilation
trapezoidal - T
micro trapezoidal - M
wave - F
casette - K
polyesther glossy/mat, polyurethane, HPS200, aluzinc
płyta warstwowa z welna II gen eko 160

Length of panel

The table below has a classification divided into color groups for individual colors available in the assortment of Pruszyński Sp. z o.o permissible panel lengths depending on the color of the cladding (minimum length - 2.5 MB) for single -span systems.

group I (very bright colors)

Maximum length

18 m wall / 18 m roof

RAL 9001, próbka
RAL 9001*
RAL 1015
RAL 7035
RAL 9002
RAL 9010

group II (bright colors)

Maximum length

12 m wall / 12 m roof

RAL 9022 probka koloru
RAL 9022*
RAL 7040 probka koloru
RAL 7040*
RAL 7037 probka koloru
RAL 7037*
RAL 6033 probka koloru
RAL 6033*
RAL 6021 probka koloru
RAL 6021*
RAL 6018 probka koloru
RAL 6018*
RAL 5024 probka koloru
RAL 5024*
RAL 5018 probka koloru
RAL 5018*
RAL 5012 probka koloru
RAL 5012*
RAL 2009 probka koloru
RAL 2009*
RAL 2008 probka koloru
RAL 2008*
RAL 2004 probka koloru
RAL 2004*
RAL 2003 probka koloru
RAL 2003*
RAL 2000 probka koloru
RAL 2000*
RAL 1035 probka koloru
RAL 1035*
RAL 1023 probka koloru
RAL 1023*
RAL 1019 probka koloru
RAL 1019*
RAL 1017 próbka koloru
RAL 1017*
RAL 1014 probka koloru
RAL 1014*
RAL 1004 kolor przykładowy
RAL 1004*
RAL 1003
RAL 1003*
RAL 1002
RAL 1021
RAL 7000
RAL 9006

group III (dark colors)

Maximum length

9 m wall / 9 m roof

RAL 7022 probka koloru
RAL 7022*
RAL 7015
RAL 7015*
RAL 6020 probka koloru
RAL 6020*
RAL 6011 probka koloru
RAL 6011*
RAL 6003 probka koloru
RAL 6003*
RAL 6000
RAL 6000*
RAL 5022 probka koloru
RAL 5022*
RAL 5011 probka koloru
RAL 50011*
RAL 5009 probka koloru
RAL 5009*
RAL 5005 probka koloru
RAL 5005*
RAL 5002 probka koloru
RAL 5002*
RAL 3013 probka koloru
RAL 3013*
RAL 3003 probka koloru
RAL 3003*
RAL 3002 probka koloru
RAL 3002*
RAL 3000 probka koloru
RAL 3000*
PM RR 033
PM RR 033
PM RR 750
PM RR 750
PM RR 011
PM RR 011
RAL 8016
RAL 8016
PUM RR 028
PMG RR 033
PMG RR 028
PMG RR 750
PMG RR 011
PM Dark Walnut
Golden Oak
RAL 3011
RAL 3005
RAL 8023
RAL 6005
RAL 6029
RAL 5010
RAL 9005
RAL 8017
RAL 7016
RAL 7024
RAL 9007
ATTENTION! Considering that dark colors from group III are subject to much larger thermal loads than boards in very light and light colors from group I and II should be assessed depending on the loads, what plates system on the wall is possible to be used.
* The colors marked with the star are not available in the standard offer. Please direct individual queries in terms of colors using the contact form.
Read more below.

Recommendations for the selection of plates in the context of thermal loads

ATTENTION- III group – dark colours

Taking in consideration that dark colours from group III has much bigger thermal load and very bright and bright colours from groups I and II, there should be paid special attention during projecting and below conditions are complained:

  • Way of assembly and static scheme must be in accordance with chart of maximum load and span length(complain conditions – limit status of bearing capacity, limit status of use)*
  • Max length of panels should be limited due to producer’s guidelines**
  • Temperature during assembly***

* For panels with dark colours recommended are single-span schemes; in other case there may occur non-acceptable by Investor strains on external claddings on panels on intermediate supports. Flutings which may occur, complain with norm PN EN 14509 due to acceptable deviation, but may be topic of complaints.

** Maximum length of panels should be in accordance of producer’s guidelines due to type and use of panels – see LENGTH OF PANELS

*** Assembly of panels with dark colours is possible within temperatures 10oC to 35oC. This condition is essential and must be strictly observed.

Assembly of panels in very bright and bright colours is possible within range of temperatures from +5oC to +35oC

Physical properties

More documentation regarding PWS-MW-EKO discs can be found in download

Recommendation for panel selection according to thermal loads

During projecting it’s important to include difference in temperature of external and internal cladding of sandwich panels.Gradients of temperatues due to difference in external temperature T1 and internal temperature T2 are dependent on few factors:

Purpose of building (range of temperatures inside building T2)

localization of building – position due to sun

colour of external steel cladding (T1).

Depending on latitude, height above sea level and distance from sea on europe continent are use 4 different levels of winter temperature (T1 – external cladding):

0, -10oC,

0, -20oC, (for ex. Poland)

0, -30oC, (for ex. scandinavian countries)

Temperatures of external cladding of roof panel which is covered with snow layer is 0oC.

For calculation was assumed external temperature in winter of -20 oC.

Temperature of external cladding T1  has maximum value during summer and is depending of colour and grade of reflection of surface. Values T1, which are minmal for calculation bearing status (SGN) and are proper for calculations of limit status of use (SGU) are:

  • Very brigth colours  RG = 75-90    T1 = +55oC
  • Brigth colours             RG = 40-74    T1 = +65oC
  • Dark colours          RG = 8-39      T1 = +80oC

where RG – grade of reflextion in ratio of magnesium oxide = 100%


Transport recommendations

Recommended ways of transport for sandwich panels:

  • semi-trailer truck (tractor + trailer of length not longer than length of loaded panels) with open platform or trailer which enables loading from both sides on full length
  • transportation belts should be assembled on panels max. each 3m, but not less than 2 belts for one package – tension strength of panels should be putted correctly to not damage panelsp


Sandwich panels should be storage maximum 2 packages one on another.

In below chart you can see what is maximal quantity of panels in one package.

thickness of panelsPWS EKO
60 mm28pcs.
80 mm24pcs.
100 mm16pcs.
120 mm14pcs.
150 mm12pcs.

All packages should be storage on flat surface with possibility to discharging water.

  • It is allowed to storage maximum 2 packages of panels with length up to 6m one on another, in case of packages with length higher than 6m these packages should be storage separately.
  • During storage of panels on building site, packages should be protected against mechanical damages, UV rays, aggressive conditions(acids, fertilisers, salts and other corrosion factors), precipitations, strong wind etc.
  • It’s recommended to storage packages under roof in ventilated facilities.
  • Protective foil are used as additional protection of surface of panels from mechanical, stress, damages which may occur during transport or loading/unloading. However foils never dismiss from duty of correct protection of panels during storage.
  • It’s recommended to remove foil before assembly of panels on elevation or roof. Removing of foil should be done during positive temperatues.
  • Protective foil should be removed during 1 month of production date, even when panels are not assembled yet.
  • Improper storage may cause difficulties when removing the protective foil and leave glue marks, in this case complaints won’t be accepted by Producer.
  • In case of panels with hidden fix, there should paid attention that foil is removed from inside longer lock before assembly.

Konserwacja i mycie

In order to extend durability of roofs and elevations it’s recommended to check and conservative it.

  • Inspection – One time a year (it’s best in spring) there should be inspection of roof/elevation in order to early detection of possible damage.
  • Cleaning of steel sheet – Roof and elevation made of steel sheets require cleaning at least once a year. Stratifying dirt on steel sheet may cause uneven discoloration of lacquer (because of uneven impact of UV beams), and lower protection to corrosion(dust traps humidity on steel sheets which causes damage). Dirty and stained spots can be cleaned by soft brush and water (temp. max. 60c). If it is necessary it is permitted to use some light detergent (ph 6/7, max 10% solution). There also can be used pressed water(max. 100bar) to cleaning, however the beam of water cannot be applicated too near of surface of sheets(min. 30 cm), also it shouldn’t be perpendicularly to surface. Near the connections water beam should be directed to bottom, to avoid water of entering cracks near connections. With old surfaces of steel sheets we should deal with high cautiously. Cleaning should be conducted from top to bottom, and cleaned spots should be rinsed out immediately.
  •  It is not permitted to use scouring powders, nitro solvent, chlorine liquor, aromatised substances, substances with Amon chloride or sodium.
  • Damages – Possible damages during guarantee should be consulted with Contractor of roof/elevation and can be repaired only with his written permission.Repair of damages on small surfaces is done with quick-drying varnish. However painting big surfaces should be done with special industrial paints to renovating coverings. Painting should be limited only to special damaged spots (scratches to steel, centres of corrosion etc.)

    Preparation of surface to painting should be done with generally accepted rules. It is necessary to precisely remove all signs of corrosion – best with special brush or  close-grained sandpaper. Then that surface should be undusted, degreased and cleaned. To degrease extraction naptha or water with addition of surfactant(best with 1-2%solution of ammoniac) can be used. Repaired spots may be different in colour compared to original steel sheets because of natural impact of atmospheric phenomenon (ageing of varnish due to impact of UV radiation)


  •  During inspecting, cleaning, conservation and repair all work safety regulations should be obeyed.

Pruszyński Sp. z o.o. is not in charge of possible accidents during carrying out all following actions.

Do you have questions?

Is it possible to make copper machining at the steel roof?
When using copper, be careful because copper oxides are very aggressive and cause corrosion of other metals. Therefore, on buildings, it cannot be combined with other metal species (copper enters into contact and causes electrolytic corrosion of other metals).
Why is the metal roofing sheets recommended for the renovation of old roofs?
This is directly related to its low weight. In the case of old roofs, the trusses of the renovated houses are often somewhat damaged by time. Therefore, it is safer to use a metal roofing tile, which weight oscillates at 4.7 kg/m2, than almost ten times a heavier ceramic tile than it. However, it is always worth verifying the condition of the roof truss, with a specialist and make sure that it does not require renovation or replacement. In such cases, the safety of residents or building employees, as well as the assembly team, is always a priority. In most situations, however, the condition of the structure without major problems allows the use of roof tiles, while the use of ceramic tile would not be possible.
Can you use an angle grinder when cutting sheets?
Modern roofing exclude the use of angle grinders for cutting. The use of this method of cutting the material is associated with the loss of warranty.The angle grinder during operation and cutting produces very large amounts of heat, which in turn damages the edges of the sheet, as well as the coating covering it. In addition, the filings extracting during operation blend into the surface of the blades, additionally creating potential corrosion outbreaks.The right way of cutting sheet metal is to use automatic jumps (so -called Nilerler) or hand scissors. They use the mechanical force to cut the sheet, without exposing it to high temperature jumps. In addition, it is worth remembering that after cutting it is good to train cut places with dedicated protective varnish or special paint.
Does the roof require maintenance?
Yes, each roof requires periodic inspections to check if there have been any damage. Most of the products offered by Blachy Pruszyński have various types of specialized coatings available (covered by the warranty), increasing the life and durability of sheet metal. Maintenance consists mainly in removing the deposits and chimney dust, which left for a longer period of time can lead to sheet metal damage. Particular attention should be paid to places around chimneys that are sensitive due to more demanding operating conditions. If during the coverage inspection, local damage to the paint coating will be noticed, paint corrections should be made. In such a situation, the best solution is to use dedicated gloss paints tailored to a given coating. Such paints are in a stringent offer of Pruszyńska sheet and it is strongly recommended to use company products, recommended for a given coating.
How to register and how does the warranty work?
In order to register the warranty, download the warranty registration available in files for download / printing or directly: Warranty registration and send it completed to the following address: guarantee@pruszynski.euThe warranty begins to apply on the day of purchase of the goods. Registration of warranty is necessary to quickly identify the purchased batch of goods.
How can you complain the product, where is the information?
Complaints should be submitted in a warehouse in which the purchase was made. In the event that the wholesaler has been closed (does not run a business), the filled print of the complaint application should be sent directly to Pruszyński Sp. z o.o. to:

Printing of the complaint application is available in files for download / prints or directly here: Complaints

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