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BusinessBusinessWhat's new
Perspectives and plans at 2023 in the plans of Krzysztof Pruszyński

The president of our company, Krzysztof Pruszyński shared plans for the development and directions of the Pruszyński Blachy Group in 2023. We encourage you to read.

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Events in the company, What's new
Inventory in Pruszyński sheet 02-05.01.2023

W dniach 02-05.01.2023 w naszej firmie będzie przeprowadzana inwentaryzacja. W tym okresie nie będziemy obsługiwali zleceń ani odbiorów

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Events in the company
We train the market, we share knowledge!

Właśnie zakończyliśmy cykl trzydniowych szkoleń w naszej centrali w Sokołowie, skrojonych pod potrzeby naszych partnerów handlowych

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Sports sponsorship
The huge success of TVN Turbo Rally Team at the Barbórki rally

Mamy to! TVN Turbo Rally Team triumfuje na Karowej, a Łukasz Byśkiniewicz na stałe zapisał się wśród prestiżowej listy zwycięzców Kryterium Asów!

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Honors and awards
Another prizes for our company is something to boast about!

W połowie listopada 2022 roku, miała miejsce finałowa gala już dwunastej edycji konkursu Kreator Budownictwa Roku […]

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Honors and awards
We are a well -seen company, according to the Business Center Club competition for 2022

Our company has been invariably approaching certain fundamental issues for years when it comes to doing […]

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Sports sponsorship
A great man and a great athlete left us

On Friday, November 11, Zbyszek Cieślar left us. A long -term pilot and a member of […]

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Honors and awards
Builder Super Power 2022 - Our managers among the winners

Builder Super Power is a special distinction awarded by the Builder monthly. It falls primarily to […]

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What's new
Pruszyński sheet - all facilities closed on October 31, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to inform you that on 31.10.2022 (Monday) our company will […]

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