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BLACHY PRUSZYŃSKI company on February 19 -28, 2018. begins the second cycle of training for roofers

BLACHY PRUSZYŃSKI company on February 19 -28, 2018. begins the second cycle of training for roofers. […]

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AllCSRBusinessEvents in the companyFairsHonors and awardsSports sponsorshipTrainingUncategorizedWhat's new
Training for traders

We cordially invite you to the upcoming trainings for traders in Sokołów Plan of the closest […]

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Honors and awards
Ambassador of the Polish economy 2017

We are pleased to announce that the company “Pruszyński Sp. z o.o. She received the prestigious […]

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What's new
Classification in terms of roof resistance to external fire Broof(t1) and Hygienic Certificate.

Blachy Pruszyński would like to inform you that AGROPIR roofing panels have been classified in the […]

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What's new
Perforated flat sheet

In many houses, the problem of nesting in the thermal insulation of the attic of weasels, […]

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Honors and awards, Sports sponsorship
Blachy Pruszyński as a patron of sport

The competition entitled “Pruszyński Patron of Sport” for all companies cooperating with Pruszyński Blachy has started. […]

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