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Roofs, Steel Tiles

What to look for when buying a metal roof tile?

The house projections usually already specify the type of roofing. It can be safely stated that most often investors decide on a metal roofing. And they have a lot to choose from because the manufacturers’ offer is very rich. So what to consider when buying this tin cover?

When buying a metal roof tile from a reputable manufacturer, we have a slightly easier task because we do not have to check its quality. In this case, we can focus, among others on the visual page of the tin cover, details, technical aspects or formalities.

Roofing roof tile

Roofing tiles due to the low weight can be used both on the newly emerging roofs and the renovated ones. On the market, sheet metal covers are available in various designs and colors, thanks to which they will complement each home style and enter into the surroundings. The standard is the metal roofing sheets with wavy creases, but producers, to meet the expectations of customers, expand their portfolio – e.g. Pruszyński sheet offers a flat roof tile (as the name suggests is flat) or a fjord (with minor embankments resembling a Scandinavian design style). The colors of the metal roofing tiles are equally large. We can opt for classic red, refreshing green, subdued sand or standard brown and black, and even extravagant yellow. Remember that cut tinseling sheets will work in the case of straight roofs (e.g. single or gable, without dormers or facing). On the other hand, panel roof tiles are also recommended for covering highly developed, multi -shaped and even unusual roofs, because in this case the amount of waste will be small – it is simply an economical solution.

Blachodachówka dopasowana do dachu

The quality of the metal roofing sheet

Usually, roof tiles are made of galvanized steel sheet coated with varnish and protective coatings. The minimum core thickness for cut tinsmiths is 0.5 mm. In the case of panel metal sheet metal, which are less common to deform, the thickness may be smaller – 0.45 mm. Unfortunately, we have no way to check it in the building composition. Just as we cannot verify the origin of steel, and its quality and chemical composition affect the durability and stiffness of the metal roofing sheet. That is why it is worth choosing roof tiles valued by investors and contractors. For example, Blachy Pruszyński products are created from materials of renowned suppliers such as: ArcelorMittal, Salzgitter, Dad Steel and Voestalpine. In addition, the high quality of the company’s products and services is confirmed by very good research results performed in Polish and foreign accredited research units, and the widely developed company production control allows you to monitor the quality of produced materials on an ongoing basis. It is worth mentioning that products with the Pruszyński Blachy logo are approved for trading and use not only in Poland, but also throughout the entire European Union. Maybe we will pay more for the metal roof tiles, but at this stage it is not worth saving. Remember that only local producers who do not have professional technical and logistics facilities can afford a low price. Unfortunately, they rarely recognize complaints.

jakość blachodachowek

Important when choosing a metal roofing sheet

Protective coatings that finish the metal roofing sheets differ in appearance, method of reflecting light, resistance to weather conditions, mechanical damage and UV radiation. Unfortunately, each manufacturer uses different – its own – naming that does not tell investors. The most important, however, is whether the coating is polyester or polyurethane – the first is usually given a lower warranty, for the second higher. Some manufacturers cover their products with a double polyester coating, but it has a tendency to crack, i.e. tin cover will be destroyed faster. It is also debatable to ensure the repetition of shades. Rather, no manufacturer will be able to keep this promise, because small differences in shades will always exist. Also pay attention to whether the price given is for a total metro (most often given) or an effective metro. The price of the total metro refers to the price of sheets before assembly. However, the price per meter is a real cost of covering 1 m2 of roof slope. Before we decide to place an order, read the warranty conditions carefully – how long does it apply and what conditions it is. It happens that the purchase of only roof tiles is insufficient and for the guarantee to apply, for example, you need to buy roofing accessories from the same manufacturer or register a purchase in the company’s online system. Of course, the condition of the guarantee is also a properly carried out assembly.

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