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Md - otwory miseczkowe w układzie 45º

Md - bowl kind holes in 45º pattern

Product description


  • Md – bowl kind holes in 45º pattern
  • W – hole size
  • P – distance between holes

​Relative ground clearance 


Choose a coating:
Więcej informacji o powłokach
PMG 35 um

Technical specification of the coating

Coating thickness
35 µm
Corrosion resistance
High ★★★☆
UV resistance
Good ★★☆☆
Possibility of processing
Good ★★☆☆
Technical warranty
15/35 years

Available colours

PMG RR 750
PMG RR 011
PMG RR 028
PMG RR 032
PMG RR 033
PMG RAL 7016
PMG RAL 8017

Technical specification of the coating

Coating thickness
50 µm
Corrosion resistance
High ★★★★
UV resistance
High ★★★☆
Possibility of processing
High ★★★☆
Technical warranty
up to 30/50 years

Available colours


Technical specification of the coating

grubość powłoki
50 µm
Corrosion resistance
High ★★★★
UV resistance
High ★★★★
Possibility of processing
High ★★★☆
Technical warranty
up to 30/50 years

Available colours

PUM RR 750
PUM RR 750
PUM RR 011
PUM RR 028
PUM RR 033
PUM RR 033
PUM RAL 7016
PUM RAL 7016
PUM RAL 8017
PUM RAL 8017
Metallic coatings

Technical specification of the coating

Coating thickness
50 µm
Corrosion resistance
High ★★★★
UV resistance
High ★★★★
Possibility of processing
High ★★★☆
Technical warranty
up to 30/50 years

Available colours

powłoka AZ - aluzynk
AZ – aluzynk
Powłoka - OC - ocynk
OC – galvanist
Firma PRUSZYŃSKI gwarantuje każdorazowo realizację poszczególnego zamówienia w jednakowym kolorze (odcieniu). Z uwagi na skomplikowanie procesów powlekania możliwe jest jednak występowanie różnic w odcieniach pomiędzy poszczególnymi dostawami.

Odpowiedzialność za kolor w związku z tym ograniczona jest jedynie do jednej dostawy.

W związku z powyższym w przypadku domawiania blach do konkretnej partii bardzo prosimy o zaznaczenie na zamówieniu lub poinformowanie Handlowca, iż jest to kontynuacja zlecenia oraz dostarczenia próbki kolorystycznej.

Celem zapewnienia spójności kolorystycznej płyty warstwowych z innymi elementami takimi jak np. obróbki blacharskie należy zamawiać je u jednego dostawcy.


Technical specification

General information

Md - otwory miseczkowe w układzie 45º - przekroj

Do you have questions?

Is it possible to make copper machining at the steel roof?
When using copper, be careful because copper oxides are very aggressive and cause corrosion of other metals. Therefore, on buildings, it cannot be combined with other metal species (copper enters into contact and causes electrolytic corrosion of other metals).
Why is the metal roofing sheets recommended for the renovation of old roofs?
This is directly related to its low weight. In the case of old roofs, the trusses of the renovated houses are often somewhat damaged by time. Therefore, it is safer to use a metal roofing tile, which weight oscillates at 4.7 kg/m2, than almost ten times a heavier ceramic tile than it. However, it is always worth verifying the condition of the roof truss, with a specialist and make sure that it does not require renovation or replacement. In such cases, the safety of residents or building employees, as well as the assembly team, is always a priority. In most situations, however, the condition of the structure without major problems allows the use of roof tiles, while the use of ceramic tile would not be possible.
Can you use an angle grinder when cutting sheets?
Modern roofing exclude the use of angle grinders for cutting. The use of this method of cutting the material is associated with the loss of warranty.The angle grinder during operation and cutting produces very large amounts of heat, which in turn damages the edges of the sheet, as well as the coating covering it. In addition, the filings extracting during operation blend into the surface of the blades, additionally creating potential corrosion outbreaks.The right way of cutting sheet metal is to use automatic jumps (so -called Nilerler) or hand scissors. They use the mechanical force to cut the sheet, without exposing it to high temperature jumps. In addition, it is worth remembering that after cutting it is good to train cut places with dedicated protective varnish or special paint.
Does the roof require maintenance?
Yes, each roof requires periodic inspections to check if there have been any damage. Most of the products offered by Blachy Pruszyński have various types of specialized coatings available (covered by the warranty), increasing the life and durability of sheet metal. Maintenance consists mainly in removing the deposits and chimney dust, which left for a longer period of time can lead to sheet metal damage. Particular attention should be paid to places around chimneys that are sensitive due to more demanding operating conditions. If during the coverage inspection, local damage to the paint coating will be noticed, paint corrections should be made. In such a situation, the best solution is to use dedicated gloss paints tailored to a given coating. Such paints are in a stringent offer of Pruszyńska sheet and it is strongly recommended to use company products, recommended for a given coating.
How to register and how does the warranty work?
In order to register the warranty, download the warranty registration available in files for download / printing or directly: Warranty registration and send it completed to the following address: guarantee@pruszynski.euThe warranty begins to apply on the day of purchase of the goods. Registration of warranty is necessary to quickly identify the purchased batch of goods.
How can you complain the product, where is the information?
Complaints should be submitted in a warehouse in which the purchase was made. In the event that the wholesaler has been closed (does not run a business), the filled print of the complaint application should be sent directly to Pruszyński Sp. z o.o. to:

Printing of the complaint application is available in files for download / prints or directly here: Complaints

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